Introducing A New Space For All

January: A month of newness, fresh air, clean slate and the month that gives you the opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months, to reconcile and accept past situations. A month full of potential, full of potential to embrace growth.

During the past 12 months, our Group has been working on a new project, true to its mission to expand the Splash customer experience. A new project with which to continue the vision of hosting all creativity that our world offers; luxury boutiques, fine dining and absolutely we couldn’t resist sharing our appreciation for art. 

Allow us to officially introduce 125 Space. The newest addition to our company, a space where art, pop up events, trank shows and private dinners will be hosted and celebrated. The aim of this project is to keep adding value in what we do, keep adding to the experience and service we offer. What we do here at Splash is a state of mind, of creating and unifying visionaries. It’s a series of celebrations of human interaction.


Splash Group presents: Daniela Busarello Levitas in Gravitas


Iconic Fashion Meets Edgy-Chic: Rick Owens now at Splash Boutiques